Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife- September 19, 2012

This piece of artwork is called Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife and was created by Jan Van Eyck in 1434. It was created in Flemish art form and portrays a middle class couple in their home. It is largely assumed that a wedding is taking place, due to the one candle in the chandelier, the puppy at their feet, the fancy clothing, and other characteristics. This was created during the Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Period, when portraiture was established as an important art form. Jan Van Eyck created an oil painting on wood. During this time, there was great amount of emphasis on detail, expression, color, and the natural world as a whole. We can see this through each of their expressions, clothes, and house ornaments. One of the reasons why I love this painting, is because I have actually seen this painting in real life in the National Gallery in London. It is even more beautiful in person. Another reason is the mirror in the background; it shows the reflection of the painter in the background (also a Flemish characteristic). This gave the painting a lot of character and alluded to the fact that Van Eyck was actually present during whatever transaction was going on. It is also interesting to note that the painter added his signature stating that "Jan Van Eyck was present here" instead of a simple signature at the corner of the painting. 

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